Liberty Lawyers

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Liberty Lawyers

Arrested For Your Third DUI in San Diego?

A third DUI conviction is prosecuted to the maximum extent allowed by the San Diego law. Therefore, you should not waste any time in taking swift actions to help salvage the situation in any way possible.

If you have been charged with Your Third DUI in San Diego, the maximum and minimum penalties you may receive if probation is granted include:

  • 120 days to 1 year jail term
  • 1-year to 3 years driving license suspension
  • 18 to 30 months alcohol program

Here are the 2 vital things to take into consideration if you want to protect your future after a third DUI in San Diego:

  1. You only have 10 days from the date of your arrest to contact the DMV.
  2. A third DUI conviction puts you in a very disadvantageous position with the law. Therefore, you want a lawyer specialized in DUI and criminal defense who has won thousands of DUI cases in San Diego. Some of such lawyers demand high fees but not all of them. At Liberty lawyers, our DUI attorney offer a competitive fee, accept Little or No Down Payment, and offer affordable payment plans to help you out.

The importance of choosing the best San Diego DUI Lawyer for your Third DUI cannot be overemphasized. You need an experienced, aggressive, competitively priced San Diego DUI Lawyer who has thousands of DUI victories in San Diego to his credit. If you are facing your third DUI charge in San Diego, call us immediately at (619) 236-3400 for your FREE, confidential consultation with our experienced San Diego DUI lawyer.

DUI Case Results:

  • Third DUI within 5 years
  • charges reduced, $500 fine, no jail, no license suspension!
  • DUI
  • Reduced to simple reckless driving!
  • DUI Causing serious injury
  • DMV Hearings
  • Client has BAC of .28% and at DMV hearing the suspension was set aside

More Results

Remember, you only have 10 days from the date of your arrest to contact the DMV! We help clients file for their DMV hearing, call our experienced San Diego DUI defense lawyer immediately at (619) 236-3400 for a FREE, confidential consultation and an expedited DMV filing.

Liberty Lawyers

Call us 24/7 For A Free Consultation
(619) 383-2931