Liberty Lawyers

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Liberty Lawyers
First-time DUIs are usually misdemeanors. However, under some conditions, felony DUI charges that are more serious in nature and consequence may be laid. Felony charges may be laid if a DUI arrest involves any of the following:

  • A highly elevated blood alcohol concentration,
  • DUIs while a driver’s license is restricted or suspended,
  • A child in the car during the DUI, or
  • Bodily harm resulting from driving under the influence.

At Law Office of Thomas P. Matthews, we know life does not always go according to plan. When things go wrong with your life in or near San Diego, the legal team at Law Office of Thomas P. Matthews wants you to know that we are standing by to help you with your DUI case.

Call us today!

If you face DUI charges in the San Diego area, your side of the story will prove crucial in your trial. We at Law Office of Thomas P. Matthews understand how important your proper representation is in San Diego area courts. Call us at Law Office of Thomas P. Matthews to ensure you are heard.

Liberty Lawyers

Call us 24/7 For A Free Consultation
(619) 383-2931